Master Boarding Agreement

This Master Boarding Agreement (herein referred to as the “Agreement”) is made between Neko Pte Ltd and the Signee of this Agreement (hereinafter known as the “Owner”). It covers all visits by the Owner’s Pet(s) to any of the Company’s cat boarding facilities, herein referred to as the “Hotel”. Unless otherwise specified or superseded by a future dated version of the Agreement, the terms of this Agreement are made between the Owner, and cover the Hotel beginning from the date of which this agreement is signed. The Owner’s Signature at the end of this agreement constitutes an understanding and agreement of the terms of the Master Boarding Agreement.
Information Disclosure
By signing this Agreement, the Owner certifies that all information submitted to the Company pertaining to their Pet(s) disclosed orally and/or in writing, are true and accurate. The Owner is also the primary caretaker of the Pet, and their signature is sufficient to enter into this Agreement for and on behalf of any other owner or representative of the Pet.
1. Compulsory Admission Criteria 
1.1 Boarding Requirements
The Owner declares that the Pet is compliant with the following terms of stay, henceforth defined as the “Boarding Requirements”, in order to board at the Hotel:
1) The Pet has undergone and/or completed the appropriate schedule of core vaccine viruses (etc. Feline Panleukopenia virus (FPV), Feline Calicivirus (FCV) and Feline Herpesvirus (FHV)) vaccinations for its age;
 i) if 8 weeks of age and above, one (1) vaccine shot
 ii) if 12 weeks of age and above, two (2) vaccine shots
 iii) if 14 weeks of age and above, three (3) vaccine shots
2) The Pet has received a vaccine booster at least two (2) weeks before the commencement of the Pet’s stay at the Hotel; or
3) The Pet is able to produce a VacciCheck antibody titer blood test result taken within the past 12 months and reflects a sufficient level of vaccine antibodies against the core vaccine viruses;
4) The Pet is ineligible for vaccination but is able to produce a written statement stating the Pet is suitable for boarding at the Hotel, as certified by a licensed Veterinarian 
5) The Pet’s is clean and sanitary, with its nails clipped short; 
6) The Pet is free of fungal infection and cat parasites, including but not limited to fleas, ticks, mites, ringworm, coccidia and giardia;
7) The Pet has not bitten or exhibited other aggressive behavior towards any person or animal, except as has been previously disclosed to Company;
8) The Pet has no history of illness or injury and has been free of any infection, parasites, illness and disease within the past (30) days prior to check-in except as has been disclosed to the Company; and
9) If the Pet has recovered from any infection, illness and disease within the past (30) days prior to check-in, the Owner shall obtain a written note from the Pet’s attending veterinarian that it is compliant with the Company’s Boarding Requirements
1.2 Chronic and Long-Term Conditions
If a Pet suffers from a known chronic or long-term medical condition, the Owner is required to provide a detailed written note alongside the Pet Assessment Form that includes information on the type of condition, symptoms of the condition (if any) and requirements for active management of the condition. Any and all medical equipment or medication required for use or administration to the Pet during the stay must be provided by the Owner. The Owner understands that the Hotel and its employees are not veterinary professionals and agrees to waive and release the Company and its employees from any and all claims, actions, damages or liability for injury, death, sickness or illness suffered as a result of the Pet’s chronic or long-term condition, even if advised of its possible existence.
1.3 Owner’s Responsibility
The Owner understands that it is his/her sole responsibility to ensure that the Pet is eligible for admission to the Company’s Hotel and possesses the necessary documentation expressed in clause 3.1, to prove the Pet’s eligibility for boarding as expressed in clause 1.1. The necessary steps will be taken by the Owner to ensure that the Pet is compliant with the Company’s Boarding Requirements prior to the date of check-in. The Company, its staff or agents cannot be held responsible for any Pet’s ineligibility to board. 
2. Services, Charges and Reservations
2.1 Services
The Owner agrees to pay the Company for specific services (collectively referred to as the “Services”). The Hotel agrees to provide Services to the Pet on each visit, provided the Pet is compliant with the Company’s Boarding Requirements. The Company may, in its sole discretion, decide to grant the provision of Services to a Pet who is not compliant with the Company’s Boarding Requirements. In such a scenario, the Owner agrees to waive and release the Company and its employees from any and all claims, actions, damages or liability for injury, death, sickness or illness suffered by the Pet. The Company will exercise reasonable judgement in providing the Services during the Hotel’s operating hours. 
2.2 Charges
All Services shall be paid for in full at the rates set forth, at the start of each visit (collectively referred to as the “Charges”). Charges begin on the day the Owner leaves the Pet, at the point of successful check-in to the Hotel. All products purchased, Services rendered and expenses incurred on the Pet’s behalf by the Hotel are payable in full at the point of checkout. The Hotel reserves the right to detain the Pet if payment or reimbursement is not duly received. 
2.3 Reservations
The Owner understands that Charges paid do not guarantee the provision of Services, and are only indicative that a reservation for Services has been made. The Company reserves the right to withhold the provision of such Services until receipt of such confirmation that the Pet is compliant with the Company’s Boarding Requirements at the point of check-in.
3. Evaluation and Participation
3.1 Submission of Information
Prior to any Services being provided, the Company will require that the Owner supplies written information about the Pet (hereinafter known as the “Pet Profile”). The Owner represents and warrants to the Company that all the information disclosed in the Pet Profile is accurate, recent, relevant and true, and complies with the Boarding Requirements as set out in clause 1.1. 
3.1.1 Disclosure of Information by Owner
It is the Owner’s onus to ensure that all information provided to the Company about the Pet’s is relevant and accurate as of the time of the Pet’s arrival at the Company’s Hotel. Tthe Owner shall disclose and continue to disclose on an ongoing basis, any and all medical or other conditions, including but not limited to personality concerns or behaviors that may affect, limit or prevent the Pet’s ability to interact safely with the Company’s employees, or otherwise attend the Company’s facilities. 
3.1.2 Re-Submission of Information
The information provided to the Company by the Owner shall be deemed as accurate, recent, relevant and true on each of the Pet’s stay at the Company’s Hotel. In the event there are changes to the Pet’s information, the Owner accepts the onus to submit new information about the Pet to the Hotel. The Owner shall notify the Company in writing and furnish any official documentation, test results or notes to remain in compliance with clause 3.1, prior to the Pet’s arrival at the Company’s Hotel.
3.2 Intepretation of Information Provided to the Company
The Owner understands that the Company and its employees are not trained in the field of veterinary medicine and are not qualified to interpret medical test results, diagnose the Pet, nor make assumptions regarding the Pet’s health status. The Owner agrees to waive and release the Company and its employees from any and all claims, actions, damages or liability for injury, death, sickness or illness suffered by the Pet, even if advised of its possible existence.
3.3 Evaluation of Pet’s Eligibility for Boarding
The Company will require an evaluation of the Pet prior to providing any Services on each of the Pet’s visits. The evaluation shall include a physical assessment of the Pet, verification of the Pet’s Profile, as well as verification of the Pet’s physical medical records; including but not limited to veterinary tests, declarations, vaccinations and sterilization certificates, to prove the Pet’s eligibility for boarding as expressed in clause 1.1. The Owner understands that these medical records must be issued by a licensed veterinarian and shall be made available to the Company’s employees prior to the evaluation of the Pet.
3.4 Owner’s Agreement to Board Cat in Hotel
If the Owner submits a request for a Pet to board at the Company’s Hotel(s), payment for the Hotel’s Charges shall constitute the Owner’s written agreement that the housing unit selected by the Owner is suitable for the temporary lodging of the Pet. The Owner agrees that the dimensions of the housing unit are sufficient for the Pet to reside in comfortably for the duration of the Owner’s reservation.
3.5 Owner’s Consent for Multi-Cat Boarding
If the Owner submits a request for multiple Pets from the same household to be boarded within the same housing unit, the Company shall allow for this arrangement. The request shall be considered as written consent from the Owner for the Pets to be lodged together. 
The Owner understands that additional rates may apply for multi-cat boarding arrangements, and that Pets sharing a housing unit must be compatible and do not display aggressive tendencies towards one another. The Company shall not be liable for accidents, injuries or illnesses due to multi-cat boarding arrangements, and reserves the right to separate Pets and place them for boarding in separate housing units at the Owner’s expense for the remainder of the stay should they be observed to behave aggressively towards one another.
3.6 Rejection of the Provision of Services
The Company reserves all rights to refuse to provide any Services should a Pet be found to be non-compliant with its Boarding Requirements. Should the Pet be found to be non-compliant with, or should there be cause to suspect that the Pet is non-compliant with the Boarding Requirements, the Company will impose a handling fee of 50% of the Charges paid, with the other 50% refunded within the next SEVEN (7) days.
4. Termination of Agreement
4.1 Termination Initiated by the Company
Under extreme circumstances, the Company reserves all rights to terminate this agreement at any point during the Pet’s stay, including but not limited to any of the following conditions:
a. The Pet is found to be non-compliant with the Company’s Boarding Requirements; 
b. The Pet is diagnosed with Sickness or Illness; 
c. The Pet is deemed no longer fit for lodging within the Company’s facilities by a licensed veterinarian;
d. The Pet is destructive and causes damage to the Company;
e. The Pet is found to be disruptive to the Company’s operations and its surroundings; or
f. The Pet attempts to cause harm to the Company’s employees or other Pets.
The Hotel and its employees will attempt to contact the Owner or the appointed Responsible Party through the contact information provided in this Agreement to provide oral and/or written notice for the removal of the Pet from the Hotel or engaging third party services.
4.1.1 Removal of Pet from Hotel
The Company reserves all rights to return the Pet to the Owner at the Owner’s expense for the comfort of the Pet and safety of other Pets in the Company’s care. In such a scenario, the Company will retain 50% of the Charges of the days unstayed, with the other 50% refunded within the next SEVEN (7) days.
4.1.2 Third Party Services Engaged by the Hotel
In the Company’s discretion, the Owner shall authorize our employees to engage third party services to ensure that the Pet remains eligible for the provision of Services by the Company at the Owner’s expense, out of necessity in executing the Pet’s stay, or preparing for its arrival and departure (etc. Veterinary Visits, Grooming Appointments, Pet Transportation, Preparation of Import/Export Documents). The Owner agrees to release the Company and its agents from any liability for any disruption in travel plans and injury, illness or death sustained to the Pet as a result of engaging such services.
5. Acceptance of Risk
5.1 Unpredictability of the Pet
The Owner understands that bacteria, virus, fungus and parasites can go undetected in Pets that do not show signs of active infection or illness, and that the Pet may have allergies, underlying, chronic or long-term conditions that remain undiagnosed. The Owner also acknowledges that animals are unpredictable and that there is a possibility of death, injury, sickness or illness to the Pet or to another animal or person. Therefore, as in respect of the Services rendered by the Company, the Owner hereby waives and releases the Company and its employees from any and all claims, actions, damages or liability for injury, death, sickness or illness suffered by the Pet while in the care of the Company or otherwise relating to the care, control, health and/or safety of the Pet arising from pick up, transport, drop off and/or stay at or use of the Company’s facilities.
5.1.1 Sickness and Illness
“Sickness and Illness” is defined as including any form of infection, disease or illness, including, without limitation, Conjunctivitis, gastrointestinal tract ailments, inappetance, mild upper respiratory tract symptoms, urinary tract issues, Feline Infectious Peritonitis, Panleukopenia, Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Chlamydia, Leukemia or any other contagious condition. 
5.1.2 Cleanliness of the Facility
The Company exercises great care to keep its facilities clean, sanitary and properly enclosed for the safety of each Pet. However, in consideration that the Company’s Hotel cannot be guaranteed to be completely free of bacteria, virus, fungus and parasites, the Owner hereby waives and releases the Company and its employees from any and all claims, actions, damages or liability for injury, death, sickness or illness suffered by the Pet.
5.1.3 Use of Common Spaces
Any area outside of the Pet’s assigned lodging premise within the Company’s facilities shall henceforth be defined as “Common Spaces”. The Pet shall only have access to Common Spaces if it meets the following criteria:
  • Pet voluntarily exits its housing unit without assistance,
  • Pet is physically mobile and healthy
  •  Pet is not exhibiting signs of Sickness and Illness
  • Pet is not FIV/FeLV positive
The Owner understands that the use of Common Spaces is provided to the Pet at the sole discretion of the Company and its employees, and the Owner hereby waives and releases the Company and its employees from any and all claims, actions, damages or liability for injury, death, sickness or illness suffered by the Pet. If the Pet does not express interest in exiting its lodging premise, the Owner may request for the Company’s Employees to assist in removing the Pet, provided it is not displaying signs of Aggression, Sickness or Illness.
5.1.4 Interactions between Pets
The Owner acknowledges that in the unlikely event that the Pet is injured by another Pet, or if the Pet injures another Pet or person, the Owner shall be solely responsible for any injury to the other Pets as well as the Owner’s Pet. The Owner releases the Company and its Agents from any liability for such injury.
5.2 Indemnification and Liability
With respect to the Services rendered by the Company, the Owner shall indemnify, defend and hold the Company harmless from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages, fines, penalties and expenses, including but without limitation, the following: –
  • legal fees and veterinary costs arising from, or resulting from any breach of the representations and warranties contained in this Agreement by the parties to this Agreement or by any third parties; 
  • abandonment of the Pet at the Hotel;
  •  any and all acts related to the behaviour of the Pet; 
  •  Sickness and Illness, injury or death to a Pet at the Hotel; or
  • injury or death to an employee of the Company or any other member of the public. 
In no event shall the Company be held liable for special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages, even if advised of their possible existence.
5.2.1 Social Media Policy
The Owner agrees to allow the Company to use the Pet’s name and any images or likeness of his or her pet taken while the pet is at the Company facility, in any form or format, for use, at any time, in any media, marketing, advertising, illustration, trade or promotional materials. The Owner agrees not to directly or indirectly make, publish or otherwise communicate any unverified claims, disparaging or derogatory statements, or encourage any third parties to make such statements, whether in writing  or otherwise, online or offline, which are intended to misrepresent, damage or lower the Company’s professional reputation or financial standing, and agrees not to initiate any legal proceedings against the Company or any Company Parties with respect to such released claims.
5.3. Personal Belongings
The Owner understands that personal belongings or items provided to the Hotel may not be returned should they become soiled, damaged or lost during the Pet’s stay. The Owner agrees that the Company shall not be liable in the event of damage, loss of items provided, injury or illness inflicted by the use of these items. The Owner understands that all personal items placed at the Hotel may not be returned to them at checkout. No monetary compensation shall be provided by the Company for the loss of personal belongings. Personal belongings left at the Hotel will be disposed of if left uncollected within 72 hours of the Pet’s checkout.
6. Modifications, Cancellations and Refunds
6.1 Modifications and Cancellations
Requests to modify and/or cancel reservations must be received and approved by the Company in writing at least (48) hours prior to the Pet’s date of check-in. Modifications to reservations are subject to availability. Reservations are strictly non-modifiable by the Owner within (48) hours prior to the Pet’s arrival date. The Company, at its discretion, may allow for an equivalent amount of hotel credits to be issued to the Owner, that may be used on a subsequent booking.  
6.2 Incomplete Stays
The Company does not provide refunds on Charges in the event that the Pet does not lodge at the Hotel for the full duration of its intended reservation, including but not limited to scenarios such as no-shows, days unstayed or earlier-than-intended checkouts.
6.3 Refund Policy
The Company maintains the following policy on refunds for reservations:
  • Charges will be refunded in the form of hotel credits for use on a subsequent stay; or,
  • Charges will be refunded in full less a 10% processing fee (based on the total amount paid)
  • Reservations cancelled within (48) hours of the Pet’s date of check-in shall not be refunded
6.4 Blackout Dates
Blackout Dates are specified dates as published in advance on the Company’s website ( Notwithstanding anything in Clauses 6.1, 6.2 or 6.3 to the contrary, the Owner acknowledges that the Company will not provide any refunds or modifications for stays falling on a Blackout Date.
7. Appointment of a Responsible Party
7.1 Considerations for Appointment
The Owner must provide a consenting adult, over the age of 21, to be his/her Alternate Contact, otherwise known in this Agreement as the “Responsible Party”. The Responsible Party must be someone other than the Owner and should not be someone traveling with the Owner if he/she is travelling overseas. The Owner authorises the Company and its employees to contact the Responsible Party, in the event that the Owner cannot be reached, and that the Responsible Party shall have full and complete authority to make any and all decisions, including those related to the health of the Pet and the expenditure of funds, for or on behalf of the Owner and the Pet. If the Responsible Party will be responsible for check-out of the Pet, he/she shall be responsible for all expenses payable on the Owner’s behalf prior to release of the Pet. 
8. Arrivals and Departures
8.1 Check-Ins and Checkouts 
The Company’s Hotel is open for operations at designated hours. These hours may vary depending on location. The Owner understands that the time required for check-in and checkout of the Pet is variable, and the Company and its employees cannot be responsible for any inconvenience or delays caused under any circumstances. If the Owner is delayed, the Pet will be checked out of their assigned lodging premise if it is due to be reassigned to another Pet and the Pet will wait in its pet carrier until the Owner arrives. For Pets not checked out by 2 PM, an additional night’s charge may be applied to the booking.
8.2 Early and Late Check-ins and Checkouts 
Requests for early and late check-ins and checkouts must be received in writing by the Company and are subject to availability. Early check-in begins from 11 AM and late checkout ends at 2 PM. A wait charge of $20/hour will be applied for such requests and do not guarantee the provision of a lodging premise for the Pet. 
8.3 Acceptance and Release of the Pet
The Hotel may request that a form of personal identification belonging to the Owner be submitted prior to providing any Services, and may require the verification of the Owner’s identification prior to acceptance or release of the Pet. 
8.4 Collection and Inspection of the Pet
The Owner agrees to personally collect their Pet at checkout, or authorise a Responsible Party in writing to collect the Pet(s). The Owner shall declare any injury or illness suspected to be caused to the Pet at the point of checkout. The Owner is advised to take their Pet to a licensed veterinarian within 48 hours of checking out of the Company’s facilities for a checkup at their own cost.
8.5 Pets not picked up on Departure Date
If the Owner or the Responsible Party does not pick up the Pet at the agreed upon time, the Owner hereby authorises the Company to continue to provide the Services as set forth in this Agreement at additional expense. If the Company determines that an extension of Services is required, payment in full may be required prior to providing such Services. If the Pet is not picked up within 24 hours of the agreed upon checkout time without notice to the Hotel provided by the Owner or the Responsible Party within 24 hours prior to the check-out date, the Pet shall be deemed abandoned. In the Company’s discretion, our employees shall follow the Abandoned Pet Procedure.
8.5.1 Abandoned Pet Procedure
If the Pet is not picked up by the designated time, the Owner understands that all Services will cease, with the exception of medication administration necessary to ensure the Pet’s health and safety and basic boarding services (food, water, relief time and shelter). Daycare guests may be charged for additional services if the Pet has not been picked up by the closing hour and expenses incurred will be chargeable to the Owner.
The Hotel will attempt to contact the Owner or the Responsible Party by telephone and/or in writing using the information provided, advising the Owner that if the Pet is not picked up within a reasonable time frame, then the Pet will be deemed to be abandoned and that it may be surrendered to the relevant authorities or re-homed at the Company’s discretion. The Owner understands that he may lose ownership of the Pet in such a circumstance. The Owner releases the Company from all further liability and responsibility for the Pet. The Owner shall remain liable to the Hotel for all unpaid Charges, including without limit the court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred in the collection of the Charges.
9. Emergencies
9.1 Definition
Fires, natural disasters, medical situations, and other unforeseen or unpredictable occurrences that are outside of the Company’s control shall be referred to herein as “Emergencies”. 
9.2 Limitation of Liability
If the Emergency should happen within the Company’s operating hours, the Company will undertake every effort to have the Pet evacuated from the Hotel premise with the use of the carrier provided by the Owner. However, the Owner understands that it may not be possible to safely evacuate the Pet in the event of any Emergencies. The Owner understands that the Company will not be held responsible for any death, injury or condition sustained to the Pet as a result of these Emergencies.
9.2.1 Course of Action
In the event of an Emergency, every effort will be made to contact the Owner or the Responsible Party to retrieve the Pet. The Owner agrees that the Company, at its sole discretion, is authorised to transport and/or make temporary alternative arrangements to house and care for the Pet until the Owner or the Responsible Party can retrieve the Pet. 
10. Medical Treatment
10.1 Definition
If at any time the Pet is found to be ridden with parasites, illness, injury or disease, the Company reserves the right to isolate the Pet to its lodging premise, initiate and provide the appropriate remedy to the Pet through the engagement of a third party licensed veterinarian at the Owner’s expense on top of Charges paid (henceforth referred to as “Medical Treatment”). 
10.2 Owner’s Consent for Medical Treatment
In the event that the Pet should require Medical Treatment while in the care of the Company, the Owner agrees to save the Pet regardless of the cost of any necessary treatment, medication, or surgical procedures unless otherwise instructed not to.
10.3 Expenses Incurred and Hotel-Imposed Fees
All expenses incurred by the Pet, including but not limited to transportation costs, grooming  and veterinary bills must be paid in full or reimbursed to the Company at checkout. Damages incurred to lodging premises or the Hotel by the Pet that can be visibly attributed to the Pet’s doing will be billed to the Owner for reimbursement. 
Based on an assessment of the Pet by the Company, the Owner may also be required to pay for additional Services to be provided, so that the Pet may be cared for safely and effectively (collectively referred to as “Hotel-Imposed Fees”). Hotel-Imposed Fees include, without limitation:
  • Service Fee of $80 – Applicable per trip, per Pet, if a Pet is required to be brought outside of the Company’s facilities for the provision of third-party Services by external service providers, or if staff are required to exit the hotel premise to assist with an Owner’s request
  • Aggressive Pet Charge of $10 per day, per Pet; which shall apply when the Pet attempts to bite or exhibit other aggressive behavior towards any person or animal
  • Intensive Care Fee at $10 per item, per week, per Pet; which shall apply when a Pet requires the use of medical equipment or the administration of medicine with the assistance of an employee
  • Cleaning Fee of $10 per day, per housing unit; which shall apply to any case of a Pet presenting with severe diarrhea, spraying or marking, thereby requiring additional, thorough disinfection and sterilization of the Hotel more than twice daily.
10.4 Death of the Pet
If the Pet passes away while in the Hotel’s care, the Pet shall be double-bagged and held until the Owner or the Responsible Party is able to pick up the Pet. Alternatively, the Owner may request that cremation services are engaged on behalf of the Owner, at the Owner’s expense. The AVS shall be notified of any instances of animal-related death within the Hotel.
11. Governing Law
This Agreement, and any dispute, controversy, proceedings or claim of whatever nature arising out of or in any way relating to this Agreement or its formation (including any non-contractual disputes or claims), shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore. All issues resulting from the Owner’s use of the Company’s services shall be submitted to and the Owner shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Singapore. 
12. Miscellaneous Provisions
This written Agreement constitutes the entire and only agreement between the Owner and the Company, and there are no oral agreements or understandings except as provided for in this Agreement. The illegality or unenforceability of any provision of the Agreement shall not in any way affect or impair the legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement.